Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Stevenson: Week 5


  1. Mandy,
    You made a great connection between this week's article and a previous. I also noticed this connection but like the idea of the sliding glass door along with the mirror and window. I am a third grade teacher and I feel too often adults don't allow young children to have voices, so I can give them that opportunity. You made a great point and suggestion for how parents can open up the conversation, I love that! Thank you for sharing your thoughts, very insightful!

  2. Hi Mandy!
    I also really liked the addition of the sliding glass door to the mirror and window idea. As teachers, students will look up to us and look for help with exploring the many different cultures that they may see in the news or experience from their neighbors. It is very important as you said, to balance the line between having difficult conversations and making sure to respect family concerns and the expectations of the school board.

  3. Hi Mandy!

    I like how you mentioned that you have different roles and responsibilities as a parent vs as a teacher. It is important for teachers to have difficult conversations with students, but also finding the line of what is an appropriate conversation with a teacher and what should be a conversation with a parent at home, which is totally okay!
