Friday, July 5, 2024

Bolinder-Week 5

Week 5: Toward a Social Justice Ethic: What is an American, Anyway?

The article discusses ways to effectively include multicultural literature in the classroom and why it's important.  They affect me as a teacher and as a citizen.  As a teacher, it is my job to prepare students to be positive active citizens in their community.  Part of this is preparing them academically, and part of this is preparing them to be critical thinkers and how to engage in thoughtful discussions regarding what is going on in the world around them. In order to do this, students need perspective and practice with being thoughtful regarding things that are both familiar and unfamiliar.  The article mentions multicultural literature as a mirror, window and a sliding glass door. Being able to utilize the text in all of these ways, depending on what they are reading is an essential skill for students.  Outside of being a teacher, it is a necessary skill to have open minded, informed discussions with those around me about the world we live in. Our world is filled with so much disagreement and inability to listen to those around them. I think often we want similar things as those around us, like to live in a positive community, and have a well run country that treats people well, but how we are able to do this is what leads to different opinions.

I believe that no matter your role-teacher, mother, student, daughter, etc.- it is important to have a voice and be heard. No matter your role, you have a lived experience as a part of society that includes both positive and negative lived experiences. In order to make improvements in the space we live, we need to identify areas for improvement. For this to happen, it is necessary that people have a voice to share their thoughts and perspectives.  We have discussed recently about the many intersections of identities that people possess. These different intersections also make up different experiences.  By bringing them together we are able to connect with people more easily. While we may not be able to agree with someone through the lens of race, perhaps through the lens of motherhood we can connect and more easily empathize with others.  

When in the classroom you attempt to respond to the question "What does it mean to be American?", utilizing the strategies mentioned in the article would be very beneficial.  The article mentions explicit instruction about multiple identities which would be a great place to start.  From there, using platforms to give students opportunities to use their own voices is a great strategy. The article suggests using classroom discussion, paired with proper discussion norms and rules.  They also mention using a blog as digital platform for students to share their voice.  The more students can share, the more opportunities they have to learn from their peers. The article also recommends using self reflection journals or surveys as another way for students to share their voice and allow both teachers and peers alike to learn more about each other.


Ezell, S., & Daly, A. (2022). Honoring Multiple Identities Using Multicultural Literature. Texas Association for Literacy Education Yearbook9, 35-41.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

DeFord Week 5

    On one level, the issues examined in the article and the book affect me less than they may affect other teachers. I teach at a private school with policies that excludes the majority of students that might attend a public school. Many of the students share the same faith identities, making my teaching context a homogeneous one in which students' insular experience can sometimes become problematic to their education. Although my school does have ethnic diversity, many of the other identities claimed by today's population are conspicuously absent from my classroom. Fortunately, many families step up and support their students' growth by ensuring that they participate in activities and events that expose them to a broader experience of cultures and beliefs around them. Many, if not most, of my students are transfer students from public schools, so they have had the opportunity to meet and interact with people who see the world differently from themselves. Certainly, few of my students have come from a situation like the one described in Drown. I have met a few parents of my students, however, that are probably familiar with the lifestyle described by Diaz. 

    On another level, the reality of my teaching context makes it perhaps more important for me and the other teachers at our school to ensure that our students have a wide range of exposure to other ideas. I think our teaching team does a good job of exposing our students to other popularly-held beliefs and ideas. One project required in an 8th grade class at school requires students to articulate their own opinion on a controversial topic (e.g. abortion, etc.) and then interview an adult who disagrees with them. I'm thankful that our teachers are willing to push our students out of their comfort zones to learn more about others. It's also very important that my students learn how to respectfully agree or disagree with others. Ezell and Daly (2022) explain that "Multicultural literature has the capacity to foreground stories and experiences of individuals and communities who have been silenced and have experienced injustice." When we understand the background stories of those around us, whether we agree on things like politics or religion, we have a better grasp on their rationale for their beliefs. My goal for my students is that they become more and more gracious toward all people around them while simultaneously becoming more and more grounded in their own beliefs. 

Díaz, J. (1997). Drown. Penguin

Ezell, S., & Daly, A. (2022). Texas Association for Literacy Education Yearbook (Vol. 9).

Campbell - Week 5

 Kirsten Campbell

ENGL 478 G

Week 5 Post 

As the article states, “Students are the voices of the next generation and deserve access to multicultural literature”(Ezell & Daly, P.38, 2022). Multicultural literacy exposes students to diversity and plays a crucial role in shaping their identity. It allows them to see themselves as reflections in text and apply new knowledge to their communities. The importance of having a voice or being heard is that students see this in a role model; it could be a parent, sibling, an online influence, or a character in the media. Adolescence is the most influential part of our lives because we grow and discover more about ourselves than we thought. A lot of adolescent literature is about finding yourself; as you find yourself, you find your voice. While your students read, they reflect on their lives with the character, further developing the beliefs that influence them to find their voice. Your students need to be heard because how does it feel not to be heard? When you are not heard, your ideas slip under the rug with no one noticing, and you feel alone, and no one else understands you or has similar views. When you are heard, it is such a powerful thing. “With great power, comes great responsibility.” It is silly to quote Spider-Man, but it is as powerful as that. Your voice can change the perspective of others, add to views, or it can hurt others. Having diverse literature in our classrooms will provide a window, a mirror, and a sliding glass door and create open-minded learners, critical thinkers, and powerful speakers. When we have powerful voices, it can make the most essential class discussions, which impact people. 

I enjoyed Figure 1 in the article because it teaches students from a young age how to appreciate others and their differences. It is also a way for students to involve their whole family. Before creating the web, you can make a little take-home sheet that parents can help with, and the questions will be about family, ethnicity, holidays, and food. I also thought about a column with rules to follow, and then the students could sign their names on it, which would be a part of our class constitution. Classroom rules, learning about diverse cultures, and encouraging voices can bring those expectations and responsibilities together. 


Ezell, S. & Daly, A. (2022). Honoring multiple identities using multicultural literature. Texas Association for Literacy Education Yearbook, 9.

Salow- Week 5

 The issues addressed in “Honoring Multiple Identities Using Multicultural Literature” by Ezell and Daly center on the need to address the identities of all of our students and some ways that teachers can do that. This article mostly speaks to practices that would be easier to implement in a reading class, which I teach, so I found the information to be applicable in nearly every way. One of the first questions I thought to myself was is there an age that identity as a focus makes the most sense? I mean this in the way of it being a year long discussion and discussed whenever the opportunity arises. I do think that discussing identity is absolutely necessary and important, but I think that the discussion would be better suited, and more in depth at some of the older ages. I teach 6th grade, and knowing all of the changes and struggles that my students go through, to add this what some could consider pressure to identify yourself when you are still trying to figure it out may not be the most conducive to a meaningful discovery of identity. I am not saying that it shouldn’t be talked about or discussed, but at the 6th grade level I think it would be more appropriate to analyze characters' identity and then by the end of the year give them the opportunity to apply the skills that we have discussed in class to themselves. 

It is so important for students to have a voice, but we still have to give students the time and space to find and use those voices in a productive way. I know many people who know they have a voice, but they use it in a way that is more harmful than productive. I do not mean just the people that disagree with my views. I mean the people who spout off loudly, but then are unable to have a normal productive conversation with respect coming from both sides. Those skills really need to be emphasized to our students while they are still in the process of or starting to find their true voice. 

The roles that I inhabit at this point in time are teacher, wife, daughter, friend, member of society, and soon to be first time mom. I would say that while reflecting on these positions now, there are some differences. The values and beliefs that myself and my husband have are going to heavily affect the way that we raise our children. That being said, I am not going to teach those beliefs or values to my students because I would not want someone to do that with my children. I believe that it is a teacher's job to allow space for students to feel safe and opportunities to learn and grow. It is not my job to raise them as my children. I do love them as my children but, they are not. I can wholeheartedly disagree with how parents are raising their children, but it is not my place or my job to raise them. The article discusses many great ways to allow the students to grow and develop their identity on their own.

Ezell, S. & Daly, A. (2022). Honoring multiple identities using multicultural literature. Texas Association for Literacy Education Yearbook, 9.

Meyer- Week 5

Throughout life, we all experience different identities and need to voices to be heard. The different subjects we are in our lives may bring on a different importance of our voice and what we want to be heard. As a mother and a teacher, I feel it is my job to make sure my children and students voices can be heard and acknowledged. We owe it to them to make sure they they feel empowered and can give them a sense of identity. The way I teach them may be different but it is the same end goal. One way we can bring all these multiple identities together is by having multicultural literature available whether that be in the classroom or at home. Students are the voices of the next generation and deserve access to multicultural literature (Ezell and Daly, 2022).

Multiple identities are in every single classroom and set of students we teach. Many time students feel silenced in the classroom about their multiple identities. This affects me as a teacher because by silencing these issues, students do not feel empowered and they lose their voice. Every person wants to have a voice and be heard regardless of if your a child or an adult. Having a voice and feeling heard can make students more successful. It can give them a sense of belonging. It is easy for us to shut down other people's voices we may not agree with but everyone deserves to be heard. Every person develops a sense of who they are
through the relationships they hold with family, friends, and society (Ezell and Daly, 2022). Children learn at a young age who they are and eventually learn to silence that as they arrive in school and it is not welcome. That is why teachers, myself included, need to incorporate more multicultural literature in the classroom. In order for students to be fully seen and heard at school, their multiple identities must recognized and honored (Muhammad, 2018). Teachers can normalize this by incorporating students into collaborative discussions. Normalizing discussion about identity is one way to help students learn about who they are and how identities and experiences differ. ( Ezell and Daly, 2022). As a community, we need to come together to make all identities welcome!

Ezell, S. & Daly, A. (2022). Honoring multiple identities using multicultural literature. Texas Association for Literacy Education Yearbook, 9.



Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Schiefelbein - Week 5 - What is American Anyway?

Helping my students to connect to multicultural texts can be tricky when there is little diversity in the classroom.  Although this is the reality in my school, my students can still gain the skills and mindsets that are essential for learning from others' experiences.  This article reminded me of the intentional planning I do to ensure that the culture in my classroom is inclusive.  I want my students to feel supported in their pursuit of finding their voice in my classroom and beyond.  One of the key elements that I implement is a Social Contract that outlines how the students agree that they will treat each other.  Although it sometimes feels inauthentic in the beginning, it becomes a valuable tool throughout the term.  One positive impact the Social Contract has had on my classroom is that, over time, the students begin to lead more of the discussions in class.  Eventually, each student gets an opportunity to lead the class in a book-talk about book that they have read independently.  This has been a really valuable strategy in getting students to choose texts that are outside their comfort zones.  Encouraging students to read a variety of literature and to share their experiences with texts can be empowering both for the presenters as well as the audience.

I also want my students to know how valuable their voice and perspective is to the content in our class.  I use identity webs to get students thinking about, and talking about different branches of their identity.  Identity webs also set my students up for the complex narratives they will encounter in the literature we study together.  Ezell and Daly mention revising these identity webs at several points throughout the year, giving students space to reflect, and to make changes as they broaden their understanding of themselves.  I hadn't thought of making additions and changes to these webs throughout the year, and I think it would be a valuable exercise in the future.  Engaging in these reflections would help my students to develop a deeper understanding of how their identities change.  In turn, I think my students will be more willing to share their perspectives with others. 


Diaz, J., & Lago, E. (1996). Drown. Riverhead Books.

Ezell, S., & Daly, A. (2022). Honoring multiple identities using multicultural literature. Texas Association for Literacy Education Yearbook, 9, 35-41.

Lampman- Week 5

While reading this article, my mind kept going back to the book bans and different laws that are going on around our country.  I just keep asking myself, “How did we get here?  Why do certain individuals get to decide what is acceptable to read and what is not?” One of my favorite authors had a few books that were banned in Texas, and she was not quiet about it.  Jodi Picoult took to social media and called out the politicians on their decision.  This made me wonder what are these politicians afraid of? 

 At the beginning of the school year, we had an all staff meeting from our superintendent advising us not to give surveys that ask about personal items such as, family dynamics, feelings, and so forth.  This was due to a law passed in Iowa.  While I do not know what the law exactly stated or forbid, I know it made the leaders of our school districts uneasy and put things into place that seems crazy to me.  In my classroom, my students are my family and I want to know everything I can about them. This is how we get engagement and show them that we care.  Why can’t I ask them how they are feeling and the makeup of their home lives?  

I do think as a teacher, we can be scrutinized more for our responses and or personal beliefs.  I know in 2020, I put a Black Lives Matter photo as my profile picture on facebook.  My facebook is private, however, people can still see my profile pictures, and I am okay with that.  I had heard from a coworker that there was a family that attends our school district that was appalled that I would have such a thing on my facebook, and that “she hoped I wasn’t teaching these things to my students.”  I did some self reflection after hearing this and for a second, I thought about taking it down.  But, here’s the thing… This is where it’s important to use my voice and not to be ashamed for standing up for people who need it.  If that parent would have come to me to speak, I would have told them that I do think Black Lives Matter.  I do think we need more training in the United States when it comes to unconscious bias.  I do want to make sure every person feels safe in this school district and to know that we are all important.  

That being said, it is hard to stand up to people that you care about such as your family members, coworkers, community members, etc.  But, if no one ever does, how do we change racism, equity, and inclusion?  Ezell and Daly states, “Multicultural texts create opportunities for students to feel visible, included, and valued, yet literacy educators are often challenged using these texts in ways that honor students' multiple identities and address the intersections of identity and (in)justice.” (2022, p. 35).  We have to be a voice and we have to stand up for each other.  

I think the 3 practices are great steps in starting to honor multiple identities.  I really liked the examples of the identity web and I could see my past students enjoying this activity.  If I were to go back into the classroom, there are many books that I have been exposed to over the course of my Master’s program that I would want to add to my library.  I also think setting up discussion norms is so important, and through this class, we have all had an example of this.  


Ezell, S. & Daly, A. (2022). Honoring multiple identities using multicultural literature. Texas Association for Literacy Education Yearbook, 9.

Dibert: Week 5 Post

I really enjoyed the article this week. As all of the articles and stories we have read have done, it caused me to look at practices that I am doing in my classroom. There are a few quotes that really stood out to me from this article that allow me to reflect on. The first one comes from page 36. It states, “ in order for students to be fully seen and heard at school, their multiple identities must be recognized and honored” (Ezell and Daly, 2022). This quote stood out to me, because when we look at ourselves or look at our students, we can usually identify each other with one major characteristic that stands out. For example, we could say the one black student, or the student in the wheelchair, or something like that that stands out. When in reality, everybody is made up of multiple Identities. If I were to look at myself, I could identify as a white Christian female with glasses. In that statement, I identify with four different groups. It is important that we look at people as a whole instead of just one characteristic. Another quote that stood out to me was, “too often, multicultural literature and discussions about identity are viewed as deviations from the official, academic curriculum” (Ezell and Daly, 2022, pg. 37). During my first year of teaching I really thought of it that way. I felt like I had to follow the curriculum and could not talk about what I wanted to. That took away my voice as a teacher because I was worried I would get in trouble. Now I realize not only did it take my voice away, but it took the voice away of my students. My last two years of teaching I have really tried to talk about different cultural events when they come up as well as investigate different cultural topics within our reading curriculum. My students are very curious, so, even if it goes off the curriculum trail, I still think it is important to immerse my students in the world around them. As the article talks about during instructional time “make sure to model listening as the instructor to share the microphone to make room for student voice and encourage partner dialogue” (Ezell and Daly, 2022, pg. 37). I didn’t realize the power pure conversation can have. This is something I have really been working on as a teacher to give the voice back to my students.
As we talked about, giving people a voice is very important. With the political climate that we are in, it is very easy to shut down someone else’s voice who we think is different. We need to work on hearing each other out, and realizing that everyone has a valid opinion and valid experience. Until we all start realizing that, it is going to be very difficult for us to put differences aside and embrace the role that everybody has. My question, for everyone would be, how do we prepare students to have a strong voice and impact on society?

Ezell, S. & Daly, A. (2022). Honoring multiple identities using multicultural literature. Texas Association for Literacy Education Yearbook, 9.

Akkermann - Week 5 Blog Post

 Week 5: Toward a Social Justice Ethic: What is an American Anyway?

As a teacher, mother, community member, sister, daughter, and wife I see it as my responsibility to help all people “feel visible, included, and valued” (Ezell & Daly, 2022, p.35).  These qualities are the heart of all humanity and do not change no matter the culture.  However, people lose value, are left out, and are unseen when humanity puts selfishness, pride, preferences, and themselves ahead of others.  In my classroom, I often see these characteristics because my students are still learning how to think of others (A lot of adults still struggle with this!) and see the value of another perspective. 

This is where using multicultural texts comes into play because they help students to learn, understand, and appreciate difference.  Thus, allowing for inclusion, worth, and being seen as a person.  Ezell & Daly (2022) talk about how multicultural texts allow students to look at themselves (the mirror), observe relationships (window), and connect personally to new experiences (sliding glass door).  I appreciate the analogy of the mirror, window, and sliding glass door because this is a visual that I can use with my elementary students as we read a multicultural text.  I would like to project a picture of each of these on my Promethean board, have an oral discussion with my students about what these represent, and as we read a book use them throughout to have discussions. 

Ezell & Daly (2022) pointed out that students who have privilege should “use their power to end discrimination and oppression” (p.36).  I could see this being what I would focus on in my classroom because our district has less than 1% of the national average of minority students.  I would couple that idea with the thought that students can be “change makers and critical, compassionate community members” (Ezell & Daly, 2022, p.36).  I see this playing out reading multicultural texts that focus on “identity, power, and equity” (Ezell & Daly, 2022, p.36) and talking about how we can use those characteristics now and how they can be used as the students grow up. 

Since I work primarily with lower elementary students I liked the idea of using the identity web as a whole class and using the example given in Table 1 (Ezell & Daly, 2022, p.40).  I would use the book The Colors of Us by Karen Katz.  We would make a web and discuss at the same time.  We would talk about our differences and commonalities and how these characteristics give us value, include each other, and give us each a voice.


Ezell, S., & Daly, A. (2023). Honoring multiple identities using multicultural literature (Vol. 9, pp. 35–41). Texas Association for Literacy Education.

Hamm_Week #5

The issues from the article are political issues tied to a lack of accountability in society. Scholars like Ezell and Daly (2022) look at the imbalance in society today, between the colors in the culture, and blame those of the past on one side for the 'inequity'. I would counter that argument with the question: When do we start looking for changes that need to occur? Or, when does the blame shift to a moment of action for the betterment of society today? In several places within the article, there is hateful intention towards the European part of the American culture. Places where they would like to create a divide through decisive language, which is another way to show ethnocentricity--thinking that they have the answer. As a teacher, it is integral to remember my personal values so I do my job well. All of the research tells us that students value authenticity. If I were ashamed of my values (of my culture), I would be lying to students every day; which does not generate a sense of community.

Each and every person in a space deserves to have a voice. You cannot hear one voice and silence another. The value of being American is that every citizen has a spot at the table, and at that table, every person is valued for the ideas and work ethic they bring to it. This is how the 'sliding glass door' symbol is supposed to support the American culture, Stepping through to allow another perspective. The society developed at the beginning of the country's design has evolved and changed to incorporate the value of all thoughts.

My voice doesn't change depending on what role I am in at the time because my values are my values. I have a moral compass that does not alter within the roles assigned to me or those I take on for myself. The expectations of the greater society prefer for me to not have a voice as a teacher, but this is backward and is not a practice I adhere to.

Every person has value! Every person has an identity! And every person should be heard, even when I do not agree!

Monday, July 1, 2024

Brown - Week 5 Post

I found a lot of similarities between this article and “Multicultural literature and discussion as mirror and window?” by Jocelyn Glazier and Jung-A Seo (2005). Especially when referencing multicultural literature as a mirror or window. However, this article introduced the idea of a sliding glass door. The article states, “Texts can also serve as sliding glass doors, inviting students to interact, exchange, and establish personal connections to new and unfamiliar experiences” (Ezell & Daly, 2022, p. 35). I believe this is a perfect description of multicultural literature, because it allows students to explore different cultures and ideas without any barriers between the character they are reading about and their own self. I also really liked that Ezell and Daly gave teaching strategies for teaching multicultural literature and gave ideas about including it in classroom libraries. Many of the strategies described using discussion, which is very important when students are exploring new ideas.

I believe it is crucial to have a voice and to be heard, as long as everyone is respectful to one another. Having a voice goes along with having an identity. One without the other does not usually happen. As a future teacher, I have always been cautioned in my classes to be careful— to make sure that my voice does not overpower any of my students’ voices. Everyone’s ideas, identities, and voices are important and everyone should be able to voice their opinions. Many students also look up to their teachers, so students have the potential to adopt ideas, whether positive or negative, from their teachers. Ezell and Daly quote Gholnecsar Muhammad when he defines identity, “Being composed of notions of who we are, who others say we are (in both positive and negative ways), and whom we desire to be” (2022, p. 36). “Who others say we are” becomes very important to pay attention to when having discussions, so no one is being disrespectful to others or having too strong of a voice that overpowers others’ ideas or identities. This applies outside of the classroom too. As a golden rule, everyone should be respectful to one another when sharing their voices with others no matter what identity you fall into in society.


Ezell, S., & Daly, A. (2022). Honoring multiple identities using multicultural literature. Texas Association for Literacy Education Yearbook, 9, 35-41. pluginfile.php/1431504/mod_resource/content/1/Ezell%20and%20Daly%20Honoring%20Multiple%20Identities%20Using%20Multicultural%20Literature.pdf

Glazier, J., & Seo, J.-A. (2005). Multicultural literature and discussion as mirror and window? Minority students in one U.S. high school class find their voices, but the majority students have a different experience. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 48(8), 686+. morningside&sid=bookmark-PPPC&xid=61f53cd6

Beckman - Week 5

The article just re-affirms how important multicultural literature is in our classrooms. I thought the quote at the end of the article was very powerful, “Students are the voices of the next generation and deserve access to multicultural literature. Students need to experience inclusive and affirming literacy learning by seeing reflections of themselves in classroom texts.” (Ezell & Daly, 2022, p. 38). The importance of voice is that it is what drives change in our country, so it is important for us to facilitate and encourage student voices, but also give them the opportunity to listen to voices that are different from their own. I think using your voice, but allowing others to have their own, are equally important skills for students to use. As well as discerning when someone’s opinion may not be right, but being able to stand up and disagree in a way that is helpful. 

I think that regardless of your role in society, teacher, parent, community member, it is important to have a voice of your own and listen to the voices of others. As a teacher, I still need to listen to my students’ voices and concerns, even though I am in a position of power of them. Same as a parent still wants to / should hear their kids out when they come to them with concerns or complaints. This aligns with another quote from the article, “Every person develops a sense of who they are through the relationships they hold with family, friends, and society.” (Ezell & Daly, 2022, p. 36)

Ezell, S. & Daly, A. (2022). Honoring multiple identities using multicultural literature. Texas Association for Literacy Education Yearbook, 9.

Lansink - Week 5 Post

 The issues examined in the article affect me as a third grade teacher by reflecting on my ability to influence young minds and to better society. One quote from Ezell and Daly (2022) that especially strikes me is, “Multicultural literature can also teach children and youth who have privilege to recognize ways they benefit from their race, class, and gender identities and use their power to end discrimination and oppression”. This is a very strong quote that doesn’t shout at you to learn about other cultures, but the impact that your culture and race can have on others. The topic of humanizing people who hold multiple identities sits with me, as a person living in today’s world, because we do create a “norm” for multiple identities, but in reality that just isn’t fair. Any combination of identities shouldn’t set you apart from one another, but further point to your identities in common with others, ideally bringing us closer in today’s world.

The idea of an identity web is brilliant to me. It opens discussion of multiple identities, but also provides proper and appropriate vocabulary for varying identities. And more importantly, a common vocabulary for the class community to use as one, which can make discussions less daunting and scary. I’ve mentioned this idea in previous posts, but incorporating multicultural literature into informal read aloud time to provide discussions and creating charts can be very effective. There are ways to bring the needs, expectations, and responsibilities based on the roles we inhabit together through opening up and inviting discussion and really making connections with characters in multicultural literature and their stories and experiences.


Ezell, S. & Daly, A. (2022). Honoring multiple identities using multicultural literature. Texas Association for Literacy Education Yearbook, 9.