Monday, June 10, 2024

Moore - Week 2 Blog

 Incorporating the findings from the preservice teachers' reflections on multicultural literature into classroom practices can greatly enhance students' understanding of diverse cultures and perspectives. Here are some examples of how I could incorporate these findings in my classroom:

  1. Starting with Self-Reflection Activities: Begin the semester by encouraging students to reflect on their own cultural backgrounds and biases, similar to the activity described by one preservice teacher. This could involve writing assignments, group discussions, or even art projects where students explore their own identities and backgrounds.

  2. Reading Multicultural Literature: Introduce a diverse range of multicultural literature throughout the school year. Ensure that the reading list includes authors and characters from various cultural, racial, and ethnic backgrounds. Encourage students to reflect on how these stories broaden their understanding of different cultures and perspectives.

  3. Literature Circles and Discussions: Implement literature circles or group discussions where students can explore multicultural literature in-depth. Encourage students to share their thoughts, questions, and insights about the characters, themes, and cultural contexts of the texts they read. Provide opportunities for students to engage with literature that represents diverse voices and experiences.

  4. Field Experiences and Community Engagement: Organize field experiences or community engagement projects that allow students to interact with individuals from diverse backgrounds, similar to the "Bright Futures" project mentioned in the text (Lowery, 2007, p.52). This could involve volunteering at local community centers, attending cultural events, or inviting guest speakers from different cultural or ethnic groups to share their experiences with the class.

  5. Promoting Cultural Awareness and Acceptance: Foster an inclusive and accepting classroom environment where students feel comfortable discussing and celebrating their own cultures as well as learning about others. Incorporate activities, such as multicultural celebrations, where students can share aspects of their cultural heritage with their classmates.

  6. Continuous Learning and Professional Development: Emphasize the importance of lifelong learning and professional development, as highlighted by the preservice teachers (Lowery, 2007, p.53) who joined professional organizations and sought out additional resources on multicultural literature. Encourage students to continue exploring multicultural literature outside of the classroom and to stay informed about diverse perspectives and experiences.

By incorporating these strategies, I can create a classroom environment that promotes cultural understanding, empathy, and appreciation for diversity, ultimately empowering students to become compassionate and informed.


Lowery, R., and Sabis-Burns, D. (2007) From Borders to Bridges: Making Cross-Cultural Connections through Multicultural Literature, 50-53.


  1. Hi!

    You did a nice job being specific and to the point on how you might incorporate the ideas from this week's readings into your classroom. I especially enjoyed reading your fourth one, regarding community engagement. Not only would the ideas in this allow students to gain more exposure to other cultures, but it will also encourage good communication skills as they interact with others! Would you also have the students do some sort of reflection or discussion after they participate/engage in field experiences? This might help to further enhance their learning of other cultures.

    1. In order to have success with field experiences, I would require an essay or reflection. With sharing of the field experience, I think the information and experience would be more beneficial.

  2. Wow!
    I love the ideas you have created from this week's readings. Have you used these strategies in your own classroom? You just seem like you have a great grasp on how to incorporate cultures into literacy.

    1. Unfortunately, I teach Science so I don't have a lot of cultural literature to implement. However, we do take time to research and look into Scientists' backgrounds when we learn of new studies.
