Sunday, June 23, 2024

Moore - Blog 4 - Cultures

     My perspective of other cultures is shaped by what I have seen, heard, and experienced by my own personal experiences, word of mouth of others, and even movies or television shows. It can be quite tricky to navigate these perspectives when they do not align. For example, I have been to Mexico to resorts and also immediately across the Arizona border; these two parts of Mexico are not alike thus making a conflicting perspective. 

    I believe that understanding other cultures is all influenced by how we learn about them, and technology plays an important role in shaping this understanding.  Technology positively impacts our understanding by giving us access to information. Through the internet, we can learn about traditions, history, and current practices around the world.  The internet also provides us with platforms to learn foreign languages. 

    Of course there are drawbacks of technology as well. The internet is not one hundred percent accurate and can lead to misinformation about cultures. This misinformation can cause false conceptions of what is appropriate in a culture or not. For example, someone may post something on social media that we see and assume it is the entire culture, when it is not an accurate representation of their beliefs. The biggest drawback to me is the detachment from empathy and understanding of their beliefs.

    While technology offers us many opportunities to learn about different cultures, it also offers challenges for us to be aware of as we navigate our attempts to understand. 


  1. I mentioned social media as impacting my perspectives of other cultures, but after reading your post, I would say movies do as well. My family and I also vacation to Mexico and I think it's important to note, that as tourists, our perspectives of a country, as a tourist, and the reality can be very different as well. Great point about technology providing platforms to learn foreign languages! A solution to the false truth technology can give us is to cross-reference information in sources/articles and create themes on what we see are recurring, which might also be more fact-based.

  2. I really like how you mentioned your various trips to Mexico. That is a great example of how your opinion may get misconstrued based on how you learn information. If you had only gone to resorts, you may think Mexico is a nice, relaxing getaway with constant all-you-can-eat-buffets and not a care in the world. But because you went just across the border, you know it is not always sunshine and rainbows, and that Mexico has its problems just like any other country. My parents experienced this on their recent trip to the Dominican Republic as well. They stayed at an all-inclusive resort and had the time of their lives, but got to see what life was like outside of the resort as well, and saw the poverty people were living in.
